Formless and Fragile
Featuring guest curator Alexis Hyde.
Opening Reception:
January 27th 6-9pm
428 S. Hewitt St
LA, CA 90013
I want to feel indulgent. I want art for art's sake. I want beauty for no reason at all. Nonsensical movements and colors and patterns for no other reason than we can.
More delicate, less sturdy. Sick of logic and reason and worry and anxiety.
Looking for luxurious gestures and unforeseen consequences. Less planning. More execution. More confidence. Less outlines and more as it lays. The result of these impulses is Formless and Fragile, a one night pop-up in the Los Angeles Arts District of artists who indulge in similar instincts. Who are pursuing beauty and abstraction and absurdity and journeys with no end. Enjoy yourself. We are.